The 30th China Night in California, Interview Rose He 《中国之夜》30年的坚守 – 丁丁电视专访总策划,导演何孔华
2023年9月16日6:30pm第30届《中国之夜》大型文艺晚会将在San Mateo Performing Arts Center 隆重上演,本次主题为“手拉手,向未来”。购票电话:510-449-9354, 510-449-9353 《中国之夜》由旧金山南湾硅谷国庆委员会,美国中华妇女联合会主办。由何孔华女士发起并担任总策划及导演,连续30年的坚持,是什么让这位女企业家,社会活动家,大家眼中仗义热诚的大姐有如此博大宏阔的胸怀,在任何时候都挺胸而出坚持理念,热爱中美两个国家。 专访视频中可以看到她的真性情和直脾气。
“China Night” is an event started by Rose He Kong Hua, organized by the San Francisco South Bay Celebration of PR National Day and Chinese American Women Association and it celebrates the National Day of the People’s Republic of China. 2023 is the 30th anniversary of China Night in California.
Rose He Kong Hua is the founder of the Chinese American Women’s Association and Beijing’s Folk Association.
Saturday, September 16th, 2023. 6:30 PM
San Mateo Performing Arts Center
600 N Delaware St
San Mateo, CA 94401
In 2021, during the height of the pandemic, the event was hosted online. Ding Ding TV livestreamed the event.