Youth ” I Love My Community” Video News Competition

The First Youth “I love my Community” Video News Competition 2020 is a very unusual year for our country and for everyone one of us, an economic disaster on top of a health pandemic. Many of us cannot go to work or attend school and over one-quarter of a million of our citizens have lost their lives. During this difficult time, we want to inspire and uplift each other with messages of love and hope, encourage our next generations to tell stories of extraordinary acts of love, and share their love and devotion for our community through video essays. Ding Ding TV (Silicon Valley Innovation Channel and Voice of Asian Americans) together with BayArea Youth Initiative and community partners are hosting the “I Love our Community” Video News Competition to bring the stories of love and inspiration to our community and simultaneously acknowledge and honor our next-generation creators. The first 10 entrants will each receive a gift from Ding Ding TV. Submit your presentation to Click me to submit!
Organizer: Silicon Valley Innovation Channel – Ding Ding TV BayArea Youth Initiative
Co-Host: CLUSA, National Asian American United, Bilingual Youth TV, APAPA, Galaxy art for children, Able2Shine, Chunhui Art School, Youth For Change