
How to Eat An Elephant?-Launch Your Products in US Market

Guest:Peter Henry, Managing Partner, Act 5 Ventures LLC

De-risking the early-stage ecosystem – a new model for capital and mentorship combined

丁丁电视品牌秀《硅谷看世界》为大家邀请到的 Peter Henry 彼得亨利, 他拥有多年技术、市场、投资等领域经验, 是美国聚合投资的引领者Act 5 Ventures 的首席执行官兼执行合伙人

Peter Henry 彼得亨利 美国聚合投资的引领者Act 5 Ventures 的首席执行官兼执行合伙人。Act5 Ventures善于聚集相关行业资金和资源帮助他们投资的科技创业项目成功,在市场定位和产品投放方面积累了值得世界学习的经验。除了投资,Peter Henry在硅谷技科技界享有盛名,他曾是Apple苹果电脑公司高级语音技术研究实验室最早的两个创始成员之一,也曾在HP Labs惠普实验室共同设计了全球第一个高速网络。定义并开发了世界上最大的文档成像系统到分布式,大批量业务和客户管理系统,以及保险业第一个互联网电子商务平台系统。同时他在智能手机初期构建了最早的基于移动定位的远程信息处理集成移动个人助理平台。
30多年来,Peter一直是一位连续创业者,在SaaS,Fintech,专业服务,移动/ LBS和消费产品方面推出了14家公司上市,或在公共和私募股权市场高价出售退出。过去17年间彼得一直是硅谷活跃的天使投资人,并与多个硅谷知名的投资机构合作(例如:Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs斯坦福天使投资及创业家联盟, Keiretsu Forum美国最大的投资人俱乐部Keiretsu论坛, US Angels美国天使资本, Bay Angels旧金山湾区资本等)。在过去的20年里,他还为数十家早期公司及其创始人提供指导。Peter是多家风险投资和天使投资公司的创始及负责人,其中包括:Perspectrum LLC(创始人,管理合伙人); EARN集团(联合创始人,管理负责人);Lexica Software(创始人兼首席执行官;被Buena Venture Associates收购); InsureZone(联合创始人兼首席技术官;私人持有); Alysis Technologies(MBO参与者; IPO 1995;由Pitney-Bowes收购)。他在业务战略,运营,财务,尽职调查,技术,软件产品开发,营销和管理方面拥有丰富的经验。

Peter曾在超过10家营利性和非营利性执行和顾问委员会任职,并曾担任财富500强公司的高级管理顾问,包括Charles Schwab,富国银行,政策管理系统(现为CSC),Argo保险集团,Bank of美国,梅隆资本,美国运通和微软。他为金融服务,保险,移动,软件,耐用消费品,食品和饮料,个人安全以及其他行业的早期公司创建了业务领先的发展和增长战略。

Peter说美国的市场是非常巨大的,犹如一头大象BUT, WHERE TO START? 节目中他为大家分析了进入庞大的美国市场 这个大象要从哪开始吃? 在中国,当新的商业模式出现时,会引来大批模仿者激烈的竞争让企业无钱可赚因为新产品已经拥有较为成熟的技术含量所以将其复制到海外,例如美国减少相对竞争程度会让产品拥有更好的市场而消费者的反馈也可以更好地改善产品让其更有前景,这是近些年产品出海倍受关注的原因

误区:只要产品上了亚马逊就=拿下美国市场? Peter对丁丁电视观众说这是个误区因为亚马逊只是一个平台上了亚马逊只是让大家知道你的产品不等同于产品的信任度有些中国企业进入美国市场后尝试投放不同平台可是却没有达到效果。原因在于不同地区人群的消费习惯购买人群细分不同

  • 如何设定产品的知名度和品牌效应才能吸引目标人群?
  • 在吸引目标人群后,又如何促成销售?
  • 销量达成后是否能赚钱?

如果利润太低可能会造成,销多亏多的问题 如何把产品的信任度转化为销量?那谁,你最近是不是“越卖越亏”?对于许多初创小公司,资金有限,不能大量投放广告及推广,如果只拼价格只会 “卖越多亏越多” 而目前产品迭代速度非常快,被新产品取代也是分分钟的事儿 。Peter举栗子,有些企业出海美国,每个销售渠道都要先支付费用销售代理也要拿到代理费后开始做交易,这种事先投资会给企业带来非常大的风险。Peter认为对企业来讲,能够找到相信你产品并愿意和你一同冒险的人,才是销售渠道的正确打开方式


点击上方收看品牌秀《硅谷看世界》 对话Peter Henry 彼得亨利 

而对于那些非常创新的产品,亚马逊也许不是一个最适合的平台因为大多数的消费者不认为自己有需要,在这个时候,教育消费者显得尤为重要。就像乔布斯曾经如何改变消费者使用Smart phone的习惯。这就是强势的品牌文化建立。当丁丁电视主持人问在跨境电商行业什么是创新时,Peter说:创新就是能够辨认新的机会!结合新需求去创造更大价值。

Peter is CEO and Managing Partner of Act 5 Ventures LLC. He has been a serial entrepreneur for over 30 years, launching 14+ startups in SaaS, Fintech, professional services, mobility/LBS, and consumer products, and experiencing exits in both the public and private equity markets, Peter has been an active angel investor for 17+ years, and is affiliated with several well-known angel groups (e.g., Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs, Keiretsu Forum, US Angels, Bay Angels, Cannabis Investment Network). He has also mentored dozens of early-stage companies and their founders over the last 20 years. Peter was a founding principal of several venture- and angel-backed startups, among them: Perspectrum LLC (founder, managing partner); The EARN Group (co-founder, managing principal); Lexica Software (founder & CEO; acquired by Buena Venture Associates); InsureZone (co-founder and CTO; privately held); Alysis Technologies (MBO participant; IPO 1995; acquired by Pitney-Bowes). He has extensive experience in business strategy, operations, finance, due diligence, technology, software product development, marketing, and governance.

Peter has served on over 10 for-profit and nonprofit Executive and Advisory boards, and has been a consultant to senior management at Fortune-500 firms including Charles Schwab, Wells Fargo, Policy Management Systems (now CSC), Argo Insurance Group, Bank of America, Mellon Capital, American Express and Microsoft. He has created business-leading development and growth strategies for early-stage firms in the financial services, insurance, mobility, software, consumer durables, food and beverage, personal security, and other industries.

In the technology sphere, he has defined and developed groundbreaking systems ranging from the world’s largest document imaging system, to distributed, high-volume new business and customer management systems, institutional portfolio management platforms, and the insurance industry’s first Internet e-commerce platform. He architected an early location-based, telematics-integrated mobile personal assistant platform at the dawn of the smartphone era. In R&D in the 1980s, he was the second member of the speech research lab in Apple’s Advanced Technology Group, and earlier co-designed the first high-speed networks at HP Labs.

Peter lives in Marin County, California, with his Daughters Caroline and Claire, and Ginger, their wildly overindulged miniature Goldendoodle. When not enjoying global travel or hiking the Marin foothills with his girls, Peter can often be found taking and editing photographs, exercising, reading, writing, looking for yet another audiophile experience, cooking gourmet meals, or mixing serious martinis for friends.




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