
Redefining Success for Chinese Americans Panel Discussion, 2018 UCA Convention

Chinese Americans historically promoted professional career paths with clear standards for success. The hope was meritocracy would decrease chances of discrimination. Many paths favored technical skills over personal interactions like STEM industries. The outcome found partial success while also demonstrating the limits of the strategy. Self-selection had second order repercussions which include perpetuating stereotypes against Chinese Americans. Ideas like Asians lack leadership and interpersonal skills perpetuate in our society. Stereotypes capped success in areas we thrive and limited diversity of opportunities. How do we redefine how Chinese Americans define success? How might we break the “bamboo ceiling?” How might we interact with society to engender diversity and break down stereotypes? Our speakers come from non-traditional industries and represent a diversity of experiences. They come prepared to share their wisdom gained from life’s challenges.


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