
“川普找对了问题, 我来解决问题”









回到这里感觉真好。我来这里,是为了帮助解决你们在过去两年多来一直纠结的问题。这个问题就是:川普如何以9个百分点的优势,赢得了爱荷华州? 那么,他又是如何赢了密歇根?他是如何赢了宾夕法尼亚州的?他如何赢了俄亥俄,甚至又如何赢了威斯康辛州?














第一次听到我的主张,你可能认为是个噱头。但你接下来深入挖掘一下历史,托马斯·潘恩(Thomas Paine)在建国时就这样主张了,他称之为“公民红利”。马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)在60年代支持这一政策,并称之为“最低保障收入”。1971年尼克松执政期间两次在众议院通过。而有一个州已经发放红利近40年了,那个州的每个人每年拿一至两千美元,无条件。












川普今天能当上总统,是因为他找到了问题所在,但他的解决方案背离了我们的需要。他的解决办法是把时钟拨回过去——修墙。我说,我们要反过来做,我们必须把时钟拨向未来! 我们必须前行,尊重劳动的价值。




【英文原声】Hello, Iowa!

It is fantastic to be back. Thank you!

When I saw the program for today, I saw the same thing you all did, which is this: Joe Biden must really not like to travel.

You look around this room, there are a thousand Iowans. I’ve got math. Each of you is worth about a thousand Californians. So this room to me looks like one million Californians.

It’s beautiful to be back. I’m here to help solve the problem that you’ve all been grappling with for the last two-plus years. And it is this, how did Donald Trump win your State Iowa by nine points?

How did he win Michigan? How did he win Pennsylvania? How did he win Ohio? How did he even win Wisconsin?

And when you look at the math, there’s one big reason:we automated away four million manufacturing jobs in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and forty thousand right here in Iowa.

And I have many friends who are leaders of technology. And we know that what we did to the manufacturing jobs, we will now do to the retail jobs, the call center jobs, the fast food jobs, the truck driving jobs, and on and on through your economy.

How many of you have noticed stores closing where you live in Iowa?

And why are those stores closing?

Amazon! That’s right. It’s a one-word answer. Amazon is like a giant vacuum sucking up twenty billion dollars out of your communities.

How much did Amazon pay in federal taxes last year?

Zero! So think about that math:twenty billion out,zero back in! And the number one job in your communities is working in retail. The average retail workers a thirty-nine-year-old woman making ten dollars an hour. And what is she going to do when her mall or main street store closes?

I was just at I-80 in Davenport, the biggest truck stop in the United States. And my friends in Silicon Valley are working on trucks that can drive themselves. They say there are five to ten years away.

What is that going to mean for the three and a half million Americans who drive a truck for a living and the seven million plus work in truck stops, motels, diners and retail establishments that need the truckers to get out and have a meal?

The reason why Donald Trump is our president today is that we’re in the third inning of the greatest economic and technological transformation in the history of our country. What experts are calling the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

He is a symptom of a disease. And it is your responsibility, the Democrats of Iowa to present the cure to the people of this country. It will not happen without your vision.

So what does that cure? If you heard anything about me in the campaign,  you know, there’s an Asian man running for president who wants to give everyone a thousand dollars a month! And all three of those things are true!

Now, when you first hear it, it sounds like a gimmick, but then you dig into our history. Thomas Paine was for this at the founding of the country, called it the Citizens Dividend. Martin Luther King, champion in the 60s, called it the Guaranteed Minimum Income.

It passed the US House of representatives twice in 1971 under Nixon. And one state has already had a dividend for almost forty years, where everyone in that state gets between one and two thousand dollars a year. No questions asked.

And what state is that, Iowa?


And how do they fund it?


And what is the oil of the 21 century?

Technology! That’s right. Data, AI, software, self-driving cars, and trucks. What they’re doing for the people in Alaska with oil money, we can do for everyone here in Iowa and everyone around the country with technology money.

Now think about what that would mean for your communities. How would you all spend that money? I know how you’d spend that money. You’d spend it on tutoring for your kids, car repairs, the occasional night out and most of it would stay right here in Iowa. It would grow your consumer economy by twelve percent. It would create forty thousand new jobs. It would revitalize rural areas and it would give your kids a path forward. It would ensure that every senior citizen is able to retire with dignity and they’re not working at a convenience store to make ends meet until the day they die.

And the Democratic party is all about empowering women. We know there are millions of women around the country and exploited or abusive jobs or relationships that would be improved by a thousand dollars a month. We can either talk about empowering women or we can do something about it. I say we do something about it!

Donald Trump is our president today because he got the problems right. But his solutions are the opposite of what we need. His solutions were to turn the clock back, build a wall. And I’m saying we have to do the opposite of that. We have to turn the clock forward. We have to advance in the way we see work in value.

And I am the man for that job because the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math.

Thank you very much. Iowa.

Love you all. Thank you.

(感谢美国无国界教育“总统青年领袖计划”学员杜艳欣 英文记录)




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