
Each One of Us Belongs Right Here!

Each One of Us Belongs Right Here!

America’s great because we’re diverse
We hailed from every corner of our universe!
Some are natives with origins right here
Europeans arrived to breathe the free air!

Some were uprooted from Africa
They’re still asking us to be more fair!
Some came here looking for gold
But ended up working on the railroad!

Some came as laborers on the farms
Others defended our country bearing arms!
From every direction they came
Each one seeking their own dream!

Together we built our industries
And established great universities!
We live and preach free enterprises
Our financial system is the finest!

We promise prosperity and good health
We struggle to share our great wealth!
We preach democracy in earnest
We fall short but we’re trying our darnedest!

Our country will not be united
Until we all aim for the same target!
To be fair and equitable
And treat everyone as our equal!

White, black,, yellow. red or brown
We all share the same human background!
We try hard but we will not get there
Until we treat everyone equally and fair!

America can lead the world
Because we’re from every part of our world!
We are proud to be Americans
Each one of us belongs right here!


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