
I love my Community – We love our Doctors by Aisha Kasamsetty

Hi My name is Aisha Kasamsetty and I’m a 4th grader in Cupertino.

I’m gonna talk about why I love my community. In this pandemic, it’s been so hard for everyone, it’s like we’ve paused our lives to maintain our health. We are constantly hoping the virus will go away by staying inside, using masks, and trying to be as safe as we can. However doctors can’t just be worried about themselves or their families like we are, instead they have to worry about the whole world. Doctors are taking a stand by risking their lives to help so many people who have got the virus.

Recently, someone in my community had an idea to write thank you letters to the doctors for all that they do. Many people came together and decided to do it, myself included. I love that this is a community that will come up with brilliant and selfless ideas like that, for people who help us so much. It makes me feel very proud of my neighborhood and glad to be a part of it.

I love my community.


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