
Galaxy Art Group Youth Love Community

The Galaxy Art Group is the  Co-Host of the first  Youth “I Love our Community” Video News Competition to bring the stories of love and inspiration to our community and simultaneously acknowledge and honor our next-generation creators.

Galaxy Art Group is a nonprofit organization established in May 2006. Comprised of local middle and high school students, its youth department was established in the beginning of 2018. Since its establishment, the youth department participated in and organized Galaxy Art Group’s sixth annual performance. In 2019, Galaxy Art Group was selected as a charity events organizer and fundraising chapter for UNESCO’s project of poverty alleviation and education. The main body of the youth department are the students rather than the teachers; therefore, the youth department is an independent body on stage. Children’s creativity is significantly evident. The stage is a field for the development of the integrated arts for individuals as well as for a team, and this experience is the most valuable asset for the growth of children and adolescents. The society in the future needs more talented people with imagination and creativity. Through its process, educational drama can stimulate children’s imagination and expressiveness, and thus achieve the purpose of fostering children’s personalities. The famous educational expert Rousseau also once said that in life, adults easily ignore things around them. They complete tasks but are unsure why they complete them.

The educational mission of Galaxy Art Group is that the children are the main focus, and why should there be an absolutely accurate answer? This mindset easily suppresses children’s creativity. In drama, learning is structured to be socialized, so children are always “above” their studies. In drama, there are no correct or incorrect answers. Along with the leaders of the youth department, we help students use their own ways to consider and define their own values. Drama provides such an educational style different from traditional teaching, and the teachers’ job is to connect the virtual world with the children’s world.

Looking forward to seeing  your story in the First Youth “I Love our Community” Video News Competition!


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