Covid19 by James Dailey
James “JAES” Dailey
May 22,2020
Covid19 Contest
Covid-19 is something that really cant be explained, all i can think is that it generated from Wuhan China and now affecting many countries around the World. During this time, it created a pandemic here in my Country of America,where we have to experience the non experience where most are locked inside there homes as prisons. There for myself working a job deemed non essential with the result of me losing employment makes being quarantined that much more difficult. Our Government has really been supportive in this time where multiple bills has been passed to help Americans stay afloat without employment. For myself this has been a difficult time due to the beginning of being quarantined, now being May 22, 2020 then me being employed in March thinking that i was going to be able to return to work not thinking of the seriousness of this situation i wasnt able to apply for unemployment as others, so ive been out of work which means no money even at this time i haven’t received my stimulus package, i haven’t received my 2019 tax return due to the fact of social distancing that most call centers are short staffed and due to call volumes being high its really hard to get in contact person to person with a live representative. For me in this time ive learned to love my neighbor as i love myself. This is also has been a time where all could come together as the human race, its really all we have in this world as humans. It really hurts to think of the many deaths across the world, that each day that has passed i can experience none of my family or friends have been affected by this invisible spirit that could claim lives of many. I would like to personally thank the heros we have without capes who put their lives and their family lives at risk just to help others who are experiencing what cannot be explained. All of the scienctist across the world thats trying to find a cause to end this pandemic, God bless America and also the humans of this world. As we shall come together with good spirit as we remember this time forever.
The Above video is one of the entries from “In Time of COVID19 Video & Essay Contest”
We believe that the pandemic has generated a treasure trove of interesting stories, valuable and relevant contents about humanity in all its spectrums. Stories about generosity, heroism, kindness and outstanding services to fellow human beings on the other.
Ding Ding TV (Silicon Valley Innovation Channel and Voice of Asian Americans) , CLUSA together with 16 partners presented “In Time of COVID19 Video & Essay Contest” bringing these stories to our community and simultaneously acknowledge and honor their creators.
The contestant should read and follow the Contest Rulers published on May 10th 2020 from following link:
The contestant acknowledge Rule 5, 6
5) If background music and other visual, verbal and sound (reference) material are used from internet, the contestant must possess copyrights or have explicit permission to use such material(s).
6) By entering this contest, the contestants will have given DingDingTV and Contest Partners explicit permission to distribute the video widely on media channels, the internet and social media sites such as Youtube, Facebook, WhatApp, WeChat, twitter….etc.