

美国资深的企业国际形象策划及商业人脉整合专家,硅谷第一个联结中美创新创业新媒体:硅谷创新频道 – 丁丁电视创办人及总裁,美国Santa Clara County 亚裔英雄奖得主,Santa Clara 商会及国际会展中心第一位华裔女董事;硅谷创业节,硅谷美食文化节创办人;硅谷创业节CEO, 硅谷前沿科技发布会主席,北美ECI国际营销创新节副主席,G50全球市长智慧城市峰会副执行长,硅谷国际美食文化节创办人,Santa Clara 商會及國際會展中心董事,美国Cupertino 扶轮社成员,北加州华人传媒协会21届副会长,美国职业演说家协会成员。在硅谷传播创新,与美国近百家机构平台合作,为进入美国市场的企业提供国际形象策划,全媒体推广服务,及高端人脉对接。 丁维平以及她的丁丁电视第一个以视频的方式全面揭示硅谷创新创业生态环境的全貌,制作了上万个内容,已成为最具影响力的中美创新创业视频内容及人脉平台。丁维平几次创业,以亲身体会深入挖掘硅谷文化,报导全球创新,帮助创业者,建立了中美科技界深层人脉及影响力。丁维平在创办丁丁电视的过程中坚守良心和责 任,树立了良好的企业品牌,深得社区及业界信任,多次获奖。她创建的《硅谷看世界》专访近千位行业领袖及创新引领者,她创办美国第一个华语情景创业节目《西游计》 帮助硅谷近百个创业项目对接全球资本,多次受邀到亚洲会展舞台,已成为硅谷及全球创新创业品牌,在美国多个电视频道及全球网络及手机媒体播出,覆盖上亿观众。



2006年获Santa Clara County 颁发的2006 美国亚裔英雄奖。
2015带领丁丁电视获得Santa Clara商会年度最佳企业 奖(商会有700多个商户,有Cisco, Dell等大企业,70%中小企业)
2014被选為Santa Clara商会及会展中心第一位华裔女董事
丁丁电视的原创节目得到业界高度肯定,已全部获奖: 《生活杂誌》获第十一届北加州华人传媒协会年度最佳广播节目制作奖。 《硅谷看世界》,《丁丁乔乔时间》第十九届最优秀电视节目製作奖及最佳新媒体奖; 《西游计》,《硅谷传说》第二十届最佳电视节目製作奖及最佳新媒体奖。 《职场人生》《丁丁快讯》第二十一届最佳新闻报导奖及最优秀新媒体奖。

微信频道: guigudingding
硅谷创新频道: www.DingDingTV.com
硅谷美食文化节: www.svfoodart.org
西游计: BattleSilicon.com
硅谷创业节: www.svef.biz


About Diana Weiping Ding



Tiffany 专访 Diana Ding




Diana Weiping Ding, Founder & CEO of Ding Ding TV

Silicon Valley Chinese American media entrepreneur, highly effective networker, and practitioner. 20 years of experience working with both Asia and US companies on PR and marketing. Founder & CEO of  Ding Ding TV — The Voice of Asian Americans, has been focused on creating the positive impact in Asian American entrepreneurs Community through contents and events for more than 12 years. She started Ding Ding TV in 2009, founded Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Festival in 2016. Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Festival has become one of the largest international conferences held annually that focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley.

Working with Silicon Valley Central Chamber of Commerce, Diana started Silicon Valley Business Forum in 2018 for business owners to share the information of doing business in Silicon Valley.  She organized Civic Leadership Forum Silicon Valley 4 times a year since 2017, empowering Asian American communities, creating a national network of civic-minded organizations and leaders, and working in unity.

Diana is an Award-winning and innovative Program Director, radio and television personality. The Host and producer of <​Innovation Dialog>, interview 500+ world-leading Innovators. Diana Ding has been awarded as Asian American Hero by Santa Clara County.  She is very active in Silicon Valley Community, has been serving in Cupertino Rotary Club since 2010, serves as the board member of Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce 2013~2020, and was elected as the president of US-China Chamber of Commerce on Jan. 2019.

2006: Awarded as Asian American Hero from Santa Clara County.
2012: Honored as the most distinguished TV show from N. California Chinese Media Association. Innovation Dialog
2013: Honored as the best TV show from N. California Chinese Media Association. Battle Silicon
2005: Honored as Best Radio Program from N. California Chinese Media Association. Amazing Diana
2003: Won first prize SingTao Chinese Radio DJ competition.


Ding Ding TV (Silicon Valley Innovation Channel,)is the first Chinese American Internet TV and Voice of Asian Americans in Silicon Valley, focusing on content and connection for Asian Americans and global entrepreneurs. Ding Ding TV has been positioned as a hub, bridge and platform for Asia-China business relations. Ding Ding TV started and co-presented Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Festival, Silicon Valley Food & Art Festival. Branding show Innovation Dialog and Battle Silicon are trustworthy brandings for High Tech professionals and innovators in Silicon Valley and all over the world. Ding Ding TV has created 20000+ videos, connected 10,000+ companies, the video reported 1000+ events, worked with 300+ Medias, traveled to 50+ cities. Ding Ding TV content delivered to 200 million audiences globally.

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